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ClubMeta - VIP Services

Wardrobe Consultation Service:

By appointment, we will determine your needs through our wardrobe consultation services. After a free private session, we will keep a profile of your favorite colors, sizes, special requests, likes and dislikes, and assist you in creating the perfect wardrobe choices. We will also show you the many ways to stretch your wardrobe into several outfits, just by accessorizing.

Personal Shopping Service:

Don't have time to shop, or dread looking around everywhere for that perfect outfit to wear to that special occasion? Let us do the shopping for you. By appointment, we will arrange an array of choices picked especially for you, with all the trimmings and accessories, and in your perfect colors and styles. We will take a few pieces, and show you multiple ways of wearing them, saving you time and money. With our private dressing room upstairs, you will have our undivided attention, and VIP service.


Month to month we may feature different make-up artist, specializing in custom blending make-up just for you. Also by appointment, for the new you, the total you, be the best you can be, in every sense that matters!

Metamorphosis Wardrobe & Accessories Boutique
811 Wayne Avenue
Silver Spring, Maryland 20910